Column Base Repairs
Backfilled Concrete Bases Harm Wood Columns
The concrete backfill allows water to pool around the column, increasing its moisture content and inviting bugs or rot to take over. Also, the pooled water can cause the concrete or masonry to crack during the freeze/thaw cycle we experience many days in Ottawa.
Fortunately, Ottawa Column Replacement has successfully dealt with these problems for years, and we can quickly fix your column bases. Our team has a proven method for column base repairs that will restore beauty and structural integrity to your home!
How To Repair Column Bases
Next, we fill the void with fresh concrete. This strategic approach creates a solid base that sheds water quickly and allows us to install your new fibreglass column.
The repaired concrete will have a different colour than the older concrete around it. But, the fibreglass columns base will cover the new concrete and leave your porch looking perfect.